EPISODE 11 - Power Rangers: Once and Always Review

From Steven Martinez (@Random90sFan on Twitter)

“Hello dads. Sorry if this well be long feel it's hard to choose one stand out character. Each one had their standout moments.

Billy was awesome. He is definitely the Tony Stark in the PR universe. I feel you could see his growth of being a bright young inventor, to becoming an adult that has accomplished so much in life that maybe let his hubris get a little ahead of himself and caused the current events in the special to be in motion. You could see the struggle he had throughout the special, but doing what he could to make things right that in the end let him start to heal and move forward.

Zack seeing how he knew the lease about what he's been up to since he left, using the Peace Conference and also just Zack's character and personality that we have seen as a way to become a congressman. Seeing how he gave that all up to be there to raise Minh and guiding and teaching her (spoilers) into becoming a ranger.

While Rocky was never my favorite red ranger, I liked how they used his personality that was developed in Zeo as a Red Ranger having his one liners. Seeing it really stood out to me and seeing how he never worked with Zack in the past, you would think they have for years.

Kat I enjoyed how they made it more known that she and Tommy are married with a son since some people in the fandom still didn't believe it. Kats character is still the same of stepping up and being supportive of her friends and team.

Just seeing the character of Minh was amazing. Oh most gave it a Batman Origins feeling. Losing a parent, being angry, seeing what it means to not be selfish and help others to finally being able to (spoilers) finally be granted access to the power coin and becoming the new yellow ranger. I hope it's not the last we see of her.

I think Zordon (if he comes back or not) would really be proud of how the teenagers he chose long ago have grown as adults.”